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About the MOAA Pittsburgh Chapter

MOAA was founded as The Retired Officers Association (TROA) in Los Angeles, California, on February 23, 1929. The first leaders of the association hoped that by joining together they could provide assistance and advice to other military officers. After a membership vote in September 2002, the association changed its name from The Retired Officers Association (TROA) to the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), on January 1, 2003.

Our local chapter was chartered on November 11, 1965 as the Steel City Retired Officers Club and changed our name to the MOAA Pittsburgh Chapter after the National name change.

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LTC USAR (Ret) Jon P. Comis served as enlisted and then officer for thirty (30) years in the USAR. Trained overseas in Panama and Germany. Served in the 3rd Psyop Company state side during the Persian Gulf War, later deployed to Bosnia as the Compliance Chief for the 3ID (2001), Iraq (336th MP BN/2004), and Kuwait/Bahrain (316th ESC/2012-3). LTC Comis is a retired ACPD Detective.

Vice President

CPT Daniel Kysela served in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard from 2002 to the present. He served 15 years as an enlisted infantryman before receiving a direct commission as an infantry officer. He deployed to to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Kosovo during Operation Joint Guardian.


CPT USA Marcel C. Minutolo, Ph.D. served in the 29th ID from 1986 to 1989 and then the 28th ID from 1998 to 2007. Originally inlisted as an 11B and later served as a dragon gunner. He later got comissioned through Officer Candidate School as an Intelligence Officer. He served as a mechanized platoon leader, a BICC, an S2, and the Company Commander for the 556 MICO, 56th Stryker Brigade. He was deployed to Bosnia-Herzigovina, and Katrina and Rita, and has extensive MI experience. His Ph.D. is in Stragic Management with a focus on Artificial Intelligence.

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform


US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
Immediate Past President & Board of Directors

CAPT USN (Ret) Bob Heister served as chapter president from 2018-2024. He also served as the first VP MOAA PA Council of Chapters (PACOC) from 2019-2021, and PACOC council president from 2021-2023. Bob is also a retired Allegheny County Assistant District Attorney.  

Currently Serving on the Board of Directions are:

COL USA (Ret) Carmen DiGiacomo. Carmen is also one of chapter's Past Presidents 2010-2018.



CW4 USA (Ret) Thomas Tallon

Tom is retired active duty Army. He served over twenty-four years on active-duty between 1975 and 2000 rising from a private to a Chief Warrant Officer Four. After attending WOBC in 1985, Tom has held numerous leadership positions while in Germany, Korea and serving during combat operations in Operations Desert Shield/Storm. During his time of service, he earned many awards including numerous MSMs, BSM and a Legion of Merit. Tom also serves as the President for the Advisory Council at the Southwest Veterans Center in Pittsburgh. Tom is also one of chapter's Past Presidents 2001-2002.


​​​LTJG USN Chad Rittle served during Vietnam. He graduated from Naval Officer Candidate School in Newport, RI, May 1971. Assigned to USS Sunbird, ASR-15 stationed in Groton CT from May 1971 - May 1974.  Assigned Submarine Rescue Operations in areas of the North Atlantic, Caribbean, and Mediterranean area of operations. 


There are currently three vacancies on the Board of Directors.

Join Our Team
US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
ROTC Liaison

LTC USA (Ret) Charles Chasler is our ROTC/JROTC Liaison- 2022-Present.  

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
Legislative Liaison

CAPT (RET) Rich Boehm is our Legislative Liaison - 2022-Present


US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
Surviving Spouse Liaison

Oralia Ferretti is our Surviving Spouse Liaison- 2024 to Current.

Events Coordinator

Pat Seda-Rivera is a surviving spouse and our events planner - 2005-Present.

Pat is the organizer and planner of all events including our luncheons and Bingo.

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
Newsletter Editor


LTC USA (Ret) Jon Comis -Acting

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform


US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
Membership Chair


CPT USA Marcel C. Minutolo- Acting

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform
MOAA State Veterans Home Advisory Council Members

Southwestern Veteran's Center

CW4 USA (Ret) Thomas E. Tallon


Erie Soldiers & Sailors Home

MAJ USA Richard J. DiGiacomo

© 2024 by the Pittsburgh MOAA Chapter

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